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General Discussion / Re: Introduce yourself
Last post by TikTokToe - July 03, 2021, 06:49:56 PM
Coming from AWIOAF where I've heard about space slog, which has a healthy community
;).  I dig space, NASA, enjoy retro-games, building, killing baddies, meeting interesting people to like, ....   And yes, why not be a ground floor alum 8).

Occupation - professor.  I'm fucking brilliant and prone to say stupid shit.

Suggestions / Ideas / Re: Ship Alert Levels
Last post by Lyssieth - July 02, 2021, 02:27:32 PM
I feel like...

  • "Danger": Haul ass back to the ship and to stations.
  • "Ready": Everyone forced awake and to work on things.
Suggestions / Ideas / Re: Ship Alert Levels
Last post by Produno - July 02, 2021, 01:44:32 PM
I guess the next question should be how many alerts do we need? It could be we only need a L3 (Red Alert) which means everyone should haul it back to the ship! Do we really need other alert levels? I guess no alert could be normal.
Suggestions / Ideas / Re: Ship Alert Levels
Last post by Lyssieth - July 02, 2021, 01:00:31 PM
If possible, a way to recolor the alert buttons in-game?

As for the `L1`/`L2`/`L3` concept, in my opinion it'd work quite well.
Suggestions / Ideas / Ship Alert Levels
Last post by Produno - July 02, 2021, 12:49:24 PM
We will have alert levels which can be activated on the ship. Traditionally alerts seem to be Red, Amber and Green. But as i was creating the buttons for these and realising it takes too much room to write the colour as text on the button, it may not be very good for those who are colourblind.

So we could have either High, Medium, Low Alerts levels (Although they are still fairly long to write on the buttons when we have very little space). Instead i was thinking of having Level1, Level2, Level3. Represented as L1, L2, L3.

Any other thoughts on this?

Suggestions / Ideas / Re: In-game factions discussio...
Last post by Produno - June 28, 2021, 11:51:31 AM
Quote from: Got_Donuts on June 23, 2021, 07:05:56 PM
I would love to see some kind of scrapper/scrap heap faction that collects the random debris of ship destruction and cobbles them together for both profit and survival.
I wouldn't consider them high power  or low power, it really depends highly on what kinda parts they come across and are able to repair/slap together to function.

Yeah, i like this idea. Though we need to think how this could be incorporated. We would probably require new art for the scrap items. I plan on having some sort of crafting too so maybe this could be incorporated into that. The player could possibly melt down scrap and use it as a cheap way to build a ship. How feasible would that be in space though? I guess it would be ok for armour blocks or armour plating.

Another idea could be that this faction instead decorates their ship with scrap parts, which could be fun.
Suggestions / Ideas / Re: In-game factions discussio...
Last post by Got_Donuts - June 23, 2021, 07:05:56 PM
I would love to see some kind of scrapper/scrap heap faction that collects the random debris of ship destruction and cobbles them together for both profit and survival.
I wouldn't consider them high power  or low power, it really depends highly on what kinda parts they come across and are able to repair/slap together to function.
General Discussion / Re: Introduce yourself
Last post by Got_Donuts - June 23, 2021, 07:03:51 PM
I came across space slog as a player of Starship Theory. Am looking forward to building spaceships and flying them to their eventual demise.

I am a truck driver for a living, driving a mish mash of trucks for my job. Be it an 18wheeler with a 53ft trailer or a simple pickup truck, if it needs driven I drive it. Other than that I live in the USA, am married and moved my grandmother and aunt in to take care of them. Life is hectic lmao.
Mods / Modability in SpaceSlog
Last post by Produno - June 22, 2021, 08:15:23 PM
For anyone that has not seen it, i posted a blog regarding modding in SpaceSlog over on our main page. https://produnogames.com/blog/2021/04/25/modability/

If you have any questions regarding modding in SpaceSlog then feel to ask them here!
Suggestions / Ideas / In-game factions discussion
Last post by Produno - June 22, 2021, 08:07:35 PM
I posted a poll over on the discord asking what kind of factions people would prefer to see in SpaceSlog.

These were the questions asked:

What kind of factions or gameplay experience would you prefer?

A: Procedural generated factions that change every game and have limited lore and background?
B: Static factions that stay the same every game but have much deeper lore and background?

The poll is leaning towards B and i do have a few ideas regarding this.

We could have specific faction types which follow a strict rule for procgen factions. This means we could potentially have factions of type Bandit, Religious, Reaver etc. These faction types will have a loose backstory to guide the engine to create them. We can have other hardcoded rules for this for instance - ensuring we always have at least one Bandit type faction.

The faction type could also contain other rules to help the creation process. An example could be technological state, will Religious factions always have low technology? Or power, will a Military type faction always have high power (Power is what decides how powerful a faction should be, how much wealth it has ect.)

Feel free to give me your ideas! Is this a good way to go to ensure we have some kind of static factions mixed with procedural generation for expanded replayability? What faction types should we have? What rules should we have and how far should we go with them?