
Power efficiency.

Started by Produno, January 31, 2022, 03:34:17 PM

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January 31, 2022, 03:34:17 PM Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 04:16:28 PM by Produno
I am currently working on the power systems and we have a few choices regarding efficiency.

A generator will burn Uranium. So we can either have a small generator that takes up one tile and generates 1000w of power per 1 Uranium. 1 Uranium will take 3 hours to burn. (These numbers still subject to change)

We can add efficiencies for space used and for burn rate per watts of power. For example, we have a large generator that can produce 5000w of energy per 5 uranium per 3 hours.

So 4 small generators will take up 4 tiles and produce 4000w of power per 4 Uranium per 3 hours.

1 large generator will take up 4 tiles and produce 5000w of power per 5 Uranium per 3 hours. Which means we are producing the same but within a smaller footprint.

We could however take this one step further and add a burn rate. Meaning the larger generator can have a lower burn rate so it burns less fuel per power needed. Example would be it takes 4 hours to burn 1 Uranium rather than the 3 hours the smaller generator takes.

We also have a durability efficiency rating. So the lower the health of the object, the less power it can produce. Which means they have to be maintained well.

Thoughts, suggestions?

I guess the efficiency thing could be some sort of upgrade via research....

It would be cool to be able to throttle or have a guy working a computer control the power needs / uranium demands of the ship. Gating the function behind research would make sense, wouldn't know how to slow down the process without knowing the process fully.